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Bachelor of Laws (2002) and Master of Civil Law from the University of São Paulo (2005). Doctor of Laws from the Heidelberg University.

Hengstberger Award 2016 (with Ms. Lena Kunz) for the project “Legal language and protection of the vulnerable”. Since 2017, she has been a professor of Civil Law in undergraduate and graduate programs at the São Paulo Law School, Fundação Getúlio Vargas.

Language skills: fluent German and English.

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Felipe Martin Paro

Bacharel em Direito pela FGV Direito SP (2022). 
Pós-Graduando em Planejamento Patrimonial e Sucessório pela FGV Direito SP. 
Membro associado do Instituto Brasileiro de Direito de Família (IBDFAM).

Idiomas: inglês e espanhol.


Cristiane Geraldes Ferreira

Degree in hospitality management from Senac. Graduate degree in finance from Mackenzie Presbyterian University. Experience in the financial and administrative areas of family businesses.

Language Skills: English.

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